Saturday, December 5

Saving Your Games to Library on ICC

(This screen shot of ICC's Dasher interface shows game board and library list.)

The following post was first published on November 5, 2008.
The Internet Chess Club gives each member a 300 game library. You can save your favorite online games or you can enter moves from real life tournaments. Once saved, you can show your best wins to your friends or your worst losses to your teacher. It is a good idea to enter your games soon after the tournament so that you remember what happened and can correct any mistakes in your notation. I also ask my students to upload their games so that we can review them more efficiently during class.

  1. To open a blank board, type /examine into any console.
  2. Use your mouse to play through all of the moves.
  3. Type /setwhitename Anand and /setblackname Kramnik for the player names.
  4. (Optional) Type /tag whiteelo 2785 and /tag blackelo 2763 for player ratings.
  5. Type /libkeep to save the game.
  6. To see stored games, go to Actions Menu --> Show my personal library.
  7. Right click on the game that you just entered and select Examine to play through it.
  8. To manage your library, right click and use Libdelete or Libappend.
  9. To save for Chessbase, Fritz or other program, right click and select Save PGN.
  10. Open games from PGN file at Game Menu --> Open PGN.
  1. To open a blank board, go to Action Menu --> Enter Examination Mode
  2. Use your mouse to play through all of the moves.
  3. Type /setwhitename Anand and /setblackname Kramnik for the player names.
  4. (Optional) Type /tag whiteelo 2785 and /tag blackelo 2763 for player ratings.
  5. To store the game, click on Save to Game Library icon at top right of board.
  6. To see stored games, go to View Menu --> My Profile --> Games and scroll down.
  7. Right click on the game that you just entered and select Examine to play through it.
  8. If you don't have Fritz, try the cool Toggle Computer Analysis Window.
  9. To manage library, right click and use Delete Game or Save to Library Slot.
  10. To save to Chessbase, Fritz or other program, click Save icon at top left of board.
  11. Open games from PGN file by clicking on the Upload Game icon.

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