Monday, September 16


Setting up one of the famous Beer Tents at the Oktoberfest in Munich.

The Alps near Berchtesgaden.
Once again, I will spend much of the fall season on vacation in Germany.  No, this extended trip has little to do with chess.  Instead, my parents and I plan to spend time with family and old friends in the shadows of the grandiose Alps.  The itinerary includes a day among the throngs of tourists at the real Oktoberfest--gleefully singing while drinking beer by the mug and devouring 2-foot-wide soft pretzels!

Despite the change in scenery, I usually begin to miss sunny California after a few weeks.  Fortunately, I expect to have reliable internet access.  And I might even get to push wood at the Traunstein Chess Club. Schachmatt! 

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