Tuesday, April 30

7th Schutt Memorial Blitz This Sunday!

GM Browne faces the Fpawn in 2011. Yes, that's a Caro Kann!
Over the past half decade, the Ray Schutt Memorial has become the largest and most prestigious annual blitz tournament in the Bay Area.  The last three years saw an average of over 45 players, including many masters with several GMs + IMs.  The 2-time defending champion IM Daniel Naroditsky and 6-time US Champion GM Walter Browne have already committed.  Come down for a fun afternoon of chess in the City!

7th Ray Schutt Memorial Blitz Tournament Sunday, May 5
Location: 57 Post Street, San Francisco (Montgomery BART)
FORMAT: Five double-round Swiss

TIME CONTROL: G/4 + inc/2
(bring your digital clock)

ENTRY FEE: $10 (free for GM/IM)
This tournament is UNRATED. (Membership in USCF not required)

PRIZES: $750 total
1st place: $300
2nd place: $200
3rd place: $100
4th place: $75
5th place: $50
6th place: $25

These prizes are guaranteed due to the generosity of the Schutt family.
Every player takes home a book, including new ones by GM Browne and IM Naroditsky!

REGISTRATION: 1 to 1:45 pm on-site only

There will be no registration in advance.  The tournament will be held between roughly 2 and 4 pm. The entire event will last from 1 to 5 pm. The Schutt family puts on a tremendous spread of food and drink each year. Even if you don't play, please come and enjoy the atmosphere as we pay respect to the popular 2300 rated master.

I regret never knowing Ray. However, we did play one tournament together, and apparently sat next to each other in the first round. It was the 1998 CalChess Labor Day held in Union City, and, rated 2124, I played up. Ray finished with 3.5 while I scored 2.5.   

Note from Fpawn: I plan to attend both the Powell G/45 on Saturday and the Schutt Blitz on Sunday. Health permitting, I will play in both tournaments. I really look forward to meeting people, especially my old friends and students.

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