Friday, January 29

Survival Guide for Chess Parents

I suggested in this blog post from last December that someone should write a book about the many hats a chess parent must wear at a tournament. Merely surviving a weekend of scholastic chess could be a science in itself, combining mathematical reasoning with psychology, navigation, nutrition, endless patience and endurance. If it seems bewildering to a tournament veteran, I hardly can imagine what parents who never played chess must go through!

Northern California scholastic guru Dr. Alan Kirshner (photo by Shorman) found the answer for his CalNorth Youth Chess newsletter. Thanks!
If you do have a budding chess player you might want to purchase Survival Guide for Chess Parents. I just checked and Wholesale Chess has it for $17.05. I guess you might call this book "Everything You Wanted to Know About Being a Chess Parent and Were Afraid to Ask!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds like a great chess book. I myself bring lots of chess books with me along with a chess set to study, especially if my son or daughter wants to show me a game. I also bring my laptop. I bring a novel. I bring snacks. And a fold up lawn chair. I have made friends with lots of other chess parents and enjoy seeing and chatting with them as well. The worst is running out of coffee, so I try to make sure I have access to that.