The November USCF rating supplement includes the 154 player Labor Day Festival (not officially the state championship this year) plus an assortment of smaller tournaments. A total of 25 present and former students attended on Labor Day weekend, but only one became "pseudo state champion." Props to Alan Naroditsky (see photo at right) for scoring an undefeated 5-1 in the Expert section, playing against three talented juniors and three conniving adults! Alan's annual improvement has been quite steady: 1784 in 2006, 1927 in 2007, 2014 in 2008 and now 2092 in 2009. He began his freshman year at UCLA a few weeks ago, but I expect to see him push some more pawns during school holidays.
Look for both Naroditsky brothers among the rankings of all my 2000+ rated students.
Top Students Overall (minimum rating = 2000, current students in red)
- FM Danya 2378
- FM Steven 2333
- NM DanielS 2313 -- Stanford
- NM Gregory 2272
- NM Yian 2226
- David 2095 -- UC Berkeley
- Alan 2092 -- UCLA
- EvanS 2092
- Kyle 2088
- Nicholas 2049
- Arthur 2014
Top 5 Grades K-6
- Kyle 2088 -- 2008 National 5th Grade Champion
- Neel 1800 -- 2009 CalChess K-5 co-Champion
- Richard 1620
- Leland 1600
- Rahul 1449
- NM Yian 2226 -- 2009 CalChess K-12 co-Champion
- Sam 1953
- James 1848
- Roland 1773
- Tyler 1654
- FM Steven 2333 -- 2008 CalChess K-12 co-Champion
- NM Gregory 2272 -- 2008 US Junior co-Champion
- EvanS 2092 -- 2009 CalChess K-12 co-Champion
- Arthur 2014
- Brian 1854
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